Help us to care for this wonderful Library for future generations!

You can help us by:

  • donating what you can afford to secure the Library’s future
  • volunteering – to help with fundraising, and duties in the Library
  • spreading the word.  We would love to read about your visit on Twitter, Facebook and TripAdvisor!

Financial donation

You can donate in a number of ways:

Contributing to the Library’s Endowment Appeal

Gifts to the Endowment Appeal will be matched £1:£1 up to a total of £1 million by a grant from the National Lottery Heritage Fund, and will be invested to produce a long-term income for the Library.

A personal donation of £500 to the Endowment Appeal becomes £625 when Gift Aid (25%) is added.

When this is matched by the NLHF, the £500 originally donated becomes £1,250.

Giving to charity is, for many people, part of life that gives help to the recipient and satisfaction to the donor. In this case, because of the generosity of the National Lottery Heritage Fund’s match funding, the benefit is much greater than normal.

For example, a personal donation of £500 by a UK taxpayer, becomes £625 when Gift Aid (25%) is added. When this is matched by the NLHF, the £500 originally donated becomes £1,250 towards the Library’s new Endowment – thus, more than doubling the impact of the original gift.

The primary purpose of this new endowment is to secure a salary for a professionally-qualified Director, the first in the Library’s history.  To date £425,000 has been raised, with a further £100,000 pledged.  Please help us to meet our £1 million target before the matched funding offer from the NLHF ends on 31 August 2023. This is a gift that will go on giving.

Anyone considering a gift to the Endowment Appeal is welcome to contact the library, for further information.  Please telephone 028 3752 3142.

Making a gift towards the day-to-day costs of running the Library 

Especially with Gift Aid, even small sums add up!  Donations from our friends and visitors are most welcome. You can either pay through PayPal below or via cheque. Cheques should be made out to Armagh Robinson Library.

Object donations

The collections at Armagh Robinson Library and No 5 have been built up over nearly two and half centuries. They are very diverse and contain many rare items. The Library is keen to expand and build upon the collections. It welcomes offers of material for its collections, however, the costs of caring for the collections are high, and space is very limited.

It is important that we do not duplicate material or objects that fall outside our Collection Development Policy. In view of this, we are not able to accept everything that is offered to us. Instead, we need to know more about the item(s) being offered before we can decide whether or not they are suitable for the collection.

How to donate

  • Contact the Library in writing or by telephone before bringing in your objects – contacting us in advance can help avoid disappointment
  • If possible send a snapshot so that we can see what the objects look like.

It may be that your donation is exactly what we have been looking for as it fits in with our Collection Development Policy, is in good condition and has a full history. In this case it will be accepted into our permanent collections.

We currently actively collect on the following four subjects:

  • Jonathan Swift
  • Saint Patrick
  • Local History (Armagh City and County)
  • Church History

Objects that fall outside these categories may however still be of interest, especially if they complement objects already in the collections.

However, it may be that for a variety of reasons we are unable to accept your offer. Please do not be offended. It may be that we already have a similar example in the collection. It may be that your object is of a subject type that we do not collect (but another museum or library might), or is in a poor condition. Our staff will be able to advise you in this case.

Hopefully your object is just what we are looking for. Your object will be carefully stored, and will be available for research, study and education purposes.

Please do note, however, that:

  • The Library does not normally accept material on long-term loan.
  • Material is not accepted with specific conditions attached.