An Introduction to a Morning on the Hill School Visit – St Patrick’s Church of Ireland Cathedral

This film provides an insight into the guided tours that St Patrick’s Church of Ireland Cathedral provides for Key Stage 2 school pupils, in conjunction with Armagh Robinson Library and No 5 Vicars Hill. You will find similar videos for the other two buildings elsewhere on the Library’s YouTube channel.

In the film the Cathedral Steward outlines the history of the Cathedral, which dates back to the time of St Patrick in 445AD. Its present cross shape dates back to 1268, while its current appearance dates back to the restoration undertaken from 1834-1840. Some of the sculptures in the Cathedral are shown, including the Tandragee Idol and a monument to Archbishop Richard Robinson. Outside the Cathedral there is a plaque commemorating the burial place of Brian Boru, High King of Ireland. Finally, the crypt – the oldest part of the Cathedral – is shown, where some ancient stone carvings including the ‘bears of Armagh’ can be viewed.

Learning Areas:

This series of videos support the Learning Areas of the World Around Us (WAU). They are especially useful for classes who are exploring their locality through the study of Armagh City or County, supporting the ‘place’ and ‘change over time’ elements of WAU.

Learning Experiences:

The videos may be used alongside classroom activities to support the curriculum areas and support the work of a Local study.

The videos can be used alongside Local Study lessons and support the development on Thinking Skills and Personal Capabilities.

Attitudes and dispositions:

The videos are designed to foster a curiosity and fascination for the past – pupils will want to find out more. Pupils will develop openness to new ideas and a respect for the history of themselves and others. It is intended that through studying the history of their local area pupils will develop a sense of community spirit.

Suggested Activities related to St Patrick’s Cathedral:

– Newspaper Report – Write a newspaper report about the missing ‘Bear of Armagh’.

– Stained Glass Windows – Create stained glass windows using tissue paper/transparent sweet wrappers and PVA glue.

To book a FREE visit to the Cathedral, Armagh Robinson Library and No 5 Vicars’ Hill for your school class, please email or call 028 3752 3142.