An Introduction to a Morning on the Hill School Visit – No 5

This film provides an insight into the interactive guided tours school pupils can enjoy at No 5 Vicars’ Hill. The film is aimed at Key Stage 2. You will find similar videos for the other buildings that are part of the trifold visit – Armagh Robinson Library and St Patrick’s Church of Ireland Cathedral – on our YouTube channel.

The Registry Officer provides an overview of what can be found in the building, including items from the Bronze Age, an Ogham stone, Medieval ecclesiastical bells, Armagh’s city maces, coins, medals and gems. More information on all of these, and more, can also be found on the touchscreens available in No 5.

Learning Areas:

This series of videos support the Learning Areas of the World Around Us (WAU). They are especially useful for classes who are exploring their locality through the study of Armagh City or County, supporting the ‘place’ and ‘change over time’ elements of WAU.

Learning Experiences:

The videos may be used alongside classroom activities to support the curriculum areas and support the work of a Local study.

The videos can be used alongside Local Study lessons and support the development on Thinking Skills and Personal Capabilities.

Attitudes and dispositions:

The videos are designed to foster a curiosity and fascination for the past – pupils will want to find out more. Pupils will develop openness to new ideas and a respect for the history of themselves and others. It is intended that through studying the history of their local area pupils will develop a sense of community spirit.

Suggested Activities related to No 5 Vicars’ Hill:

Ogham Stones – Create Ogham stones out of clay, inscribing names or a message using the Ogham alphabet.

Archbishop Timeline – Children receive a name tag of an Archbishop and the date which they began the role. Children will try and order themselves chronologically.

To book a FREE visit to the No 5 Vicars’ Hill, Armagh Robinson Library and St Patrick’s Church of Ireland Cathedral for your school, please email or call 028 3752 3142.